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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Steam Mops - Part of a Kitchen Design Revolution?

Steam Mops - Part of a Kitchen Design Revolution?
Steam Mops - Part of a Kitchen Design Revolution?Steam Mops

Remember the Dyson, the revolutionary clean cleaner where you could check the dust being sucked up? Now James Dyson has got his eyes on helping homeowners save space on overcrowded kitchen worktops by re-designing kitchen gadgets into smaller forms.

He wants to see all free-standing kitchen gadgets made into self-contained wipe-clean, cuboids. The idea is that these gangly cuboids could be pushed together. Could this be the start of a revolution for kitchen designs?

Over the last 30 eld the heart of our homes has changed. Cast you mind back to the 1970s and recall the plastic wooden Formica surfaces and super orange pattern surround paper. A decade later in the 1980s 'country fitted' kitchens were popular. Fast forward to the 1990s when dining rooms were knocked through to make larger kitchens for entertaining.

Retro 1950s Kitchen - Wear Big Business

But the principle elements of kitchens are ease there, much as an oven, fridge and toaster, although arguably their designs hit also denaturized over the decades. What's interesting is that while Dyson is looking to the future, some homeowners are re-visiting the past. This could possibly be as a termination of consumers tightening their belts. Retro 1950s kitchen-wear, much as clams bins, are today bounteous business. Interestingly, sales of clams makers hit increased as people go 'back to basics'. Allotments too are sight a revival as some homeowners are growing vegetables in order to cut back on supermarket spending.

It module be interesting to see in the incoming few years, especially in these hard scheme times,which direction buyers want kitchen designers to take them. Will traditional kitchen tools much as the imbibe and bucket be replaced by, steam mops,?

Dyson's ideas haw be grand and revolutionary but only consumers module decide if they like his plans. In this difficult scheme climate, is it the right time for kitchen designs and tools to change?

Only time module tell whether new kitchen gadgets much as, steam mops, module replace the traditional imbibe and whether consumers module acquire into Dyson's cuboid plans. Maybe it module be the case that buyers module only consider new design concepts for their kitchen - wares, much as purchase a, steam mop, when their existing kitchen tools break. Perhaps some consumers are waiting before splashing out. But let's wish that some kitchen design revolution is not held back by slummy scheme conditions.

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